Future features + fixes!

Hi fellow players! Thank you so much for playing Twisted Mind <33

So after releasing our game, we noticed some errors and little details that we have to fix or add when we release the rework of the 1rst day for Twisted Mind. Here's what we planned:

To fix ~

  • Improve the jumpscares and the scary parts 
  • Change the font of the game (Some people pointed out that it's kinda hard to read or looks squeezed so we will find a better one!!)
  • Misspelling & grammar errors (Yes, we are natively Spanish speakers, so it's harder for us to notice these kinds of things. We apologize for that)
  • The soundtrack of the game (make it less loud in some parts and make it loop when it ends)
  • Change the speed of the character and when a dialogue interrupts another, so both are too fast
  • Some audio errors that appear in a few parts of the game
  • Fix some face sets and give them transparent background

To add ~

  • Make cooler illustrations!! (a rework for a few of them)
  • Add new plugins to make the game more appealing
  • Add more fun details! (Maybe?...)


When will the updates come? ~

After Christmas probably! We want to rest a bit for these holidays, but we're excited to bring new features to the game :) As soon as we finish them, we will totally update it.

★ Lastly, again, we are really happy to see so many people playing our game! This gives us encouragement to keep working on this project and release more days of this story!! So stay tuned and have fun with Twisted Mind <3

Theponidraws & Rekozzz

Get Twisted Mind (Demo)

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